Friday, May 29, 2020

The Choices We Make (part 1) - (February 2055 Birthdays)

February 2055. Todd Keller is 30. Gretchen Keller is 29. Heidi Ingram is 24. Chelsea Keller is 13. Logan Keller is 12. Peyton Keller is 9.

optional soundtrack: “If It Makes You Happy” by Sheryl Crow

Heidi stepped out of her junky car and into the biting cold air of late February. Everything seemed colder back in her hometown of Lansing. Perhaps she had just gotten too used to the urban heat complex of Kimball Station. Or maybe it was something else.

The door of the triplex’s leftmost unit swung open, her nephews walking out into the yard in shock.

“Aunt Heidi?”